Fool’s day?… – Fool’s Month!!!

27 04 2010

It’s been a while since I have written anything on here.

The first thing I read in a newspaper on April 1st was an advertisement for a self-helf group. A woman helps out married man by instructing them how to endure shopping with their wifes – the do’s and don’ts. It’s an April Fool’s joke. I actually thing it might be helpful and there could be some money in that business.

The actual joke was to come though. The whole month April was a joke itself.It has been crazy. Packed with midterms,quizzes, tastings, rehearsals, computerlab tests,bla bla blaaaaaa. You get the picture. So, as this month is coming to an end, I can’t help but feel optimistic. May promises some more freetime and hopefully more sunshine.

But I fear the free time won’t be for very long. The exams are in June and it’s almost may now. So sometime between now and June all the reports and papers have to be written… Still I try to get out as much as possible and try some new things, always on the hunt for some new experiences. My stomach has become resistent to any food. I can eat whatever I try. Which can be very good or bad.

Well, It’s time to get to my classes. I’ll be posting more from now on, just keeping up to date, It will be more like ‘twittering’. God, I hate that word. It’s almost as annoying as ‘LOL’.




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