31 03 2010

Shit everywhere!

I love sleeping and so I usually just get up early enough before class to grab a bite to eat and take a shower. I put my mind to changing that and waking up earlier to get some things done or maybe even get some jogging between breakfast and school… There’s definitely not going to be any jogging!

So I woke up early and decided to get some breakfast. The 5-minute-walk turned out to be what felt like a one-hour-labyrinth puzzle, trying not to step into the multitude of piles of dog droppings. My first thought was: The local cleaners have gone on strike, I’m going to have to wear plastic bags around my shoes for the rest of my exchange in Macau and I’m going to kick every single dog I see and I’m definitely going to kick their owners for letting them poop wherever they please. But halfway through my game of Minding the Poo, a cleaner crossed my way, graciously picking up a pile after the other, my heroine! So they weren’t on strike. They were, just like me, fond of sleeping a little longer.

So what I have learned from this adventure is that I’m not going to go jogging at such an early hour, I’m not going to leave my room that early ever again and I’m going to greet every street cleaner with the biggest smile possible, because now I know what life would be like without them around!



2 responses

8 04 2010

If only Macau was similar to Paris in other more interesting ways!

8 04 2010
Phil D.

nice piece. that was fun to read!!! Me wants more! Keep it up!

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